I really wish I was able to keep up with this blog thing. It seemed like a really good idea at the time. But at least in this part of Spain wifi, or wee-fee as they call it, is fairly hard to come by, not impossible, like getting a cup of coffee to go (that doesn't exist here), but its a real challenge.
But at least for this post I've something more interesting to report than manual labor, pot sherds, and dig princess complaints. While working down in the moat, which is about seven feet deep now, I found the first piece of Roman glass.
If you look at the picture I look fairly unhappy about this. That's because I then proceeded to throw it away, thinking it to be nothing more than modern trash (we find broken wine bottles constantly). Luckily the trench head ran screaming after it, and it was recovered.
So there you go. First major find of the dig is by me, and at the same time almost wasn't because of me. I chalk it up to too much Spanish cough syrup. That stuff makes your head floatey.
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